Info about Logo
  We have a fantastic new intro now. Thx to Morphs :)

A few of our players went inactive to make room for two new members. Chakotay and Kuschelmon joined OAP. We know chakotay since month now. He is a great player. Thats not a big surprise because he is coached by Sexy Belly. Kuschelmon is our second female member. She will become a good player also, because she is coached by Spica.

It took some time, but the lanpics are uploaded now. 

21.4.2001 memorable day of OAP !!
  We break a unwritten law !!.....but nobody of us is really schocked....the opposite happens. We  love it...we love our new member... -Finn- .. [OAP]-Finn- :) , our first female member...hehe, and don't think that we have got a weak point now...she will blow you to pieces wherever she will meet you... she has not even pity on her clan-mates :)......noooo, she is sweet and and lovely and brings some sunbeams into our dark minds :)...?? ..who will have to find it out by yourself :)

Welcome to [OAP]clan

21.4.2001 Day of amnesty
  Ikeaboy became a full member after a 2 weeks testmembership in cause of unusual occurrences :). But even without that occurrences...he is the right man for OAP, and that not only in relate to his age :).

Years pass by, you get older and older and you think by yourself: Damn (gvd), where did all my hair go?, why do i need glasses now ?, why am i alone in this cold world full of killing machines, camper, cheater and low ping bastards ?? Don't despair. You are not alone. There is a place for you in our reception camp for old people.

Ikeaboy found such a lovely place :)

Welcome to [OAP]clan


Vranic is full member now. ( lets try my new translation-tool )

-- innig welkomstgroet ter van onze team -- (whatever that means :))

Sylvidra found a photo of himself between all his CPUs, motherboards and lots of other hardware, thx mate :)




all games for yesterday were canceled, problems with their wireplay servers.

28.03.2001 A sad day at OAP
  page moved to here, and will never get deleted
22.03.2001 Mega-Event 2001  --- 2. low-ping-megafun-lan-party ---
  There will be a tlg/dfa/VK/OAP and good friends lan-party in OAP-town again.

 27 - 29 April 2001

And here is a description to get to OAP-town.

A list of all invited players and more informations will follow soon.


1. low-ping-megafun-lan-party review


Frost is full member now. He had no problems to settle in OAP-clan. He manages a divx and mp3 barter at our mirc channel :).

The member section is updated anyway. Pics will decorate all our member infos soon. And a "few" members are placed "inactive" now.


Vranic is our new member. I played him once, and it was a hard fight :). OAP is getting more and more a dutch clan. I hope that Vranic hasn't got that forum skill as Tarqq :).

Welcome to [OAP]clan


Sundancer is back online again :) Hi Patrick....great to have you back

Screenshots updated


Spice changed his name to Spica.  And he has got his own HP now :).


Good news. Frost is  member of OAP now :). Like DaTrH said: We need fresh, young members.

Welcome to [OAP]clan


I have to tell you that we lost 3 of our members. Stynce, Mins (who else could it be ? :)) and Gambit will not play as OAP anymore. That are very sad news again.

 The next think is, that our server don't longer exist anymore. We will get another server soon. We are lucky that a few of our members are able to set up a server for the next few training sessions. So there will be TDM-training always.


5 !!! more full members. Welcome as a full member of OAP

DaTrH, Khan, MorphsNet, SexyBelly, Totocop's


OAP is signed up at Barryworld Leagues. The new season will start  Februrary/March. We are waiting for acknowledgement now.


Hi mates

Stynce is our latest new member.

Demon NL is the upbringing or native server for new OAP-member....normaly. This time we made a exception. Stynce isn't born at Demon NL. GrampsJR met him at a Tournament Server. OAP needs a change. So lets add a few Tournament Server to our Favorites :).

Welcome to [OAP]clan


memberpage updatet

Again 2 new members

Totocop's and Morphsnet will be seen at Demon NL more often now.

Welcome to [OAP]clan

Pascal changed his name (we hope his name only :)) to Sylvidra


hehe, late and still not a complete update......:(

First of all: Mins is full member now (since weeks, sorry Warren).

OAP "presents" new members. 

Khan.....he is waiting for month now, to become a member of OAP...he couldn't join earlier, because he had to wait for ISDN. It wasn't possibel for him to play at servers like Demon NL with 56k Modem

SexyBelly.....hi Alan....he just sarted playing Quake3Arena online. We know him from our last ond only lan party in September2000. hehe, and don't be afraid of that red and yellow cubes, you see everywhere in the maps. We call that cubes AMOR. Try to get that cubes, it will help you to survive a few more seconds *ggg*

DaTrH.....i think that he will not need any help from us. We know him now as a natural born killer *g*

Welcome to [OAP]clan

Dawn changed his name to Foree. That's because he saw a few Dawns playing last weeks. And sure he don't want to be just one of a few Dawns...Now he is The Foree *ggg* hehe, and we recognize that he is still that good player.

Now the bad news. ErMaC left OAP. He tries to make his own clan. OAP wishes him good luck for that....bye ErMaC

the member section will be updated later..

We hope to see you more often at quakenet...


We have some new and some old news :)

First the old news. In honour of The Grandfather  one of  us changed his name. InfernO is not longer InfernO. He is known as GrampsJR now. Very nice name and nice fragrate too. Must be connected with the name. *gg*

News: Cyke is on maternity leave.  He is now proud father of 3 girls !! Congratulations to your doughter. 

Now the latest news. A new OAP member is born. ErMaC will fight for us now. We wish you a good time, big fun, many frags and low ping.

Welcome to [OAP]clan


Welcome Tarqq as a full member of our happy fragging clan. You are one of our most active member this days and we are happy to have you as a member of OAP.


Mins is back. Hi Mins :). We wish you a good time as a OAP-member.

Welcome back to [OAP]clan

  !!!!! We payed a last respect to tlg|SunSon !!!!!
  Hi OAP-members, maybe you know that there was a lan party last weekend. If you are interested to get a few informations about it you have to press the "Lans" button

long time ago that OAP got a new member. Since our headhunter Cyke is too busy to find "qualified" player for OAP...Gramps took over :) We welcome Tarqq as a new member of OAP. We hope that you enjoy the membership and we wish you big fun, low ping and lots of frags

Welcome to [OAP]clan


On our last trip to mars we lost a member. Deviant Monk did not return from his last round in space. We found out that Monk must have cut the protection line by himself. He must have cut the line just as that space ship with netherlands flag  passed by. We hope that the crew of the LKFF-ship picked Monk up. At least we wish him good luck for the future. He should have told us about his anxiety before our liftoff :(.     bye bye Monk.....

Hehe...i think that a few members of us are floating in the orbit this (WalkingStick) included *lol*

20.08.2000 Mega-Ivent 2000  --- 1. low-ping-megafun-lan-party ---
  There will be a tlg/dfa/VK/OAP and good friends lan-party from the 22 - 24 September 2000. 

We will be between 60 and 70 low ping killer.

Other happy news: We have not one 'testmembers' anymore. You will recognize that after refreshing the membersection :).

  Hi Membaz

good news... After a connection interrupted we have Virusss and Dawn back as a part of our OAP-family (clan). We are very very very.........happy about it. Welcome back to where you belong...OAP forever

  There will be a clanwar (funmatch) against the Simpsons again. We know the Simpsons. We lost our first war. The war will be at the 24 of July at 9.30pm. Server IP and passwort to test our connection will be send by icq.

good luck and have fun

  Our club is getting bigger and older again. We are happy to present 3 !!! new members. OK ....they did not came all today...ahh i wasn't able to update our page for a few days ( i am old and always sleepy.. sorry about that ).

 But they are: .....Deviant Monk    .....NeCrObUtCHeR    .....B-o-K

thx for joining our fragging-club.....OAP rock *ggg*

the update of our sreenshots will follow soon...ahhh, too many frags to upload :)

  Hi OAP's. Your passwort for our 'members only' section will be send by icq....i am sorry that i havn't got any informations about Zetla and Pascal right now. Please contact me at icq or seend me a mail.....thx

greetings WalkingStick

  Many things happend. First of all i have to tell you that a few members left OAP. Networkerror, Virusss and Nitro timed out...We are very sad about their leaving. 

Dawn left us also, but he had  no other possibility. Job and family...he could not get enough time to play. We understand him. It is not allways easy to keep playing. Bye Dawn, you was a part of our family and we will never forget you...and if you want to come are wellcome.

Not only shit happend. We got two new member.  We are very happy that Zetla joined OAP. We tried to catch him for 3 month now... or maybe longer :) . Our headhunter Cyke made it happen...thx Cyke. I think we have got enough srtrong players now to go for victory at CLQ every week. The second new member is PASCAL. I don't know very much about him right now. We will see what happens.

Welcome to [OAP]Clan

I don't know if switch is still interessted to be a member of OAP. He is now a full member. Sorry about my late update, Switch. I hope i see you in the arena again.

  2 more full members....Gambit and Inferno are not 'testmember' anymore...:). 
  We have got a channel at
  Also Reobibii is a full member of OAP now. We are happy that you fight for OAP. 

You can stay with us until you are a real pensioner :).

  ManuTOO is a full member of OAP now. We are happy about it. ManuTOO is a good player, and i hope he is as happy with us as we are with him :)


RESULTS changed to CLAN WARS.....take a look

  We are happy about our new member. $w!tCh will help us to build a strong team. 

We wish you good times and may frags as a OAP-member and fun fun fun.....and a good connection....i wish that for me (WalkingStick) too *ggg*

Welcome to [OAP]Clan

  .......good news again :) members.....

Hi Gambit and hi Inferno. We have two new members. Gambit is the admin of "our" trainingsserver allready. Now we got him as a member. We are very happy about his joining. And we are happy to get Inferno as a new OAP-member. He just playes Quake a few week now, but he is allready a top killer....:). 

What can we say ?..We wish you good times and may frags as a OAP-member and fun fun fun.

Welcome to [OAP]Clan

  ........good member........special member.....

we got a new member...Normaly we have Cyke to get us new members. Now Dawn did all the work. I think it was not easy for Dawn to get this special player. It took him 9 month to get his ok for joining OAP.  The Name of our new member is [OAP]Niklas. He is 50 cm tall and his weight is 3200g. And don't think that he is a camper. His fingers are not big enough to reach the keys on the keyboard. After a few years practice he will be able to kill like his father. So we welcome him to OAP. We wish him a nice and lucky time on earth, low ping and many frags.......... :)



  We are playing The BarrysWorld Leagues. We missed our first game last week...shit happens. Our next game is in week3, Tuesday the 9th Mai at 9.30pm english time. The maps we will play are Q3Mexx1 and Q3DM11. We will practice next week. Training will be at the 5|2|2000 and 5|7|2000 from 8 to 10pm MiddleEuropeanTime at our trainingserver. And training will be on Friday the 5th Mai 2000 from 8 to 10pm MiddleEuropeanTime. The training on Friday is because not so many members could find our trainingsserver on Tuesday....And remember that we have a clanwar next...

if you have some time, try out this servers

Will be fun to kick some ass :)

  Mins is back. He moves too fast. It's becaus he has got a very hot temperament. Mr lagman will help us to kick some ass at Barryworld. And we will not be thirsty anymore, mins will bring some tea again.....

And for the future...We are not a brothel where you stay 15 min. have some fun and go again...*ggg*

  We got  reinforcement again. We are pleased that Reobibii found to us. I think which we are able now to fight for the first Place in the CLQ now. Reobibii lifes in Canada !!.  OAP goes global, not only european anymore. We wish you good times and low ping as our member...

Welcome to [OAP]Clan

  Time went fast. SkinUpSkunk and Tobgun are now 1 month members of OAP. We are very happy to say that both become full members of OAP now.
  Hi membaz

time has come.....its gonna happen......lets get real.......after 6 month warming up.....muhahahahaaa

Training will be at the 4|26|2000 and  4|28|2000 from 8 to 10 p.m.  MiddleEuropeanTime at our trainingserver. You will need a few teammessages bindet at your config.cfg (but don't forget to save your original config.cfg first *ggg*). 

Only really interested members are asked in joining the training

Fact is, which we consist of two groups. The ones who are loving FFA and the others wants to practice teamplay. But that will be no problem for us. We are still a happy family *ggg*.

20.04.2000 server to  practise....server to practise....server to practise
  hi membaz

Cyke organized a server for us. The owner of the server is Gambit. He is very friendly, and he will let us play at his server for a few days a week. Cyke is also server admin. He will set up a password if we want, so we willl be alone at the server and can practise TDM or CTF ... whats realy importand to do next.

i have sended you the server ip trough icq

Thx to Cyke and Gambit     ...... sorry , had to be posted earlier, but i am very stressed at the moment :)

  hi mates, still waiting for your crests' (logos)

come one boys ...nobody out there who is able to create a pretty OAP clan crest ?

17.04.2000 good news: *g*
  We are happy to present you a new [OAP]member. ManuTOO is his name. He comes from France. It seems that he is a nice friendly mate, and........he seems to be a fantastic player.

Welcome to [OAP]Clan

i will update the members section soon...sorry about that  WalkingStick -------> done :)

13.04.2000 bad news:
   Mins has left OAP.

Thats what he told me:

sorry to say I am leaving OAP, I will miss you all but hope we can stay all friends and frag togeather still.
There is no reaons for me leaving just that OAP is not what I expected, thanks for letting me join and for all the fun times.
Sorry and could you please let all other members know as well.

Mins, we will miss you too. We wish you good luck for the future and many frags in TF2.

11.04.2000 Offizielle Ausschreibung:  Invitation:      Info about Logo    back to top
   Wer hat Interesse, für OAP ein Clan-logo zu entwerfen ? Ich bitte die künstlerisch kreativen Member von OAP und alle anderen (die sich auf unsere page verirren)  Vorschläge an WalkingStick zu schicken. Fertige Entwürfe werden hier veröffentlicht. Ich bitte um rege Teilnahme.

Who is interested in creating a crest for OAP Clan. Send your suggestion to WalkingStick. Take a view at finished logos here.  Everybody is invite to design a crest for OAP. I hope you will take part of our competition.
